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majority leader (議會中)多數黨領袖。

majority rule

Many well - known americans have been aft members , including john dewey , albert einstein , hubert humphrey , pulitzer prize - winning author frank mccourt , nobel peace prize winner elie wiesel , former senate majority leader and ambassador to japan mike mansfield , former hhs secretary donna shalala , and former united nations under secretary and nobel peace prize winner ralph bunche 許多大名鼎鼎的美國人都曾經是美國教師聯盟的會員,包括:約翰?杜威、愛因斯坦、休伯特?韓福瑞、普立茲獎得主法蘭克?麥考特、諾貝爾和平獎得主埃利維厄瑟爾、前參議員暨駐日大使曼斯斐,美國衛生與人類服務部長的夏拉拉,以及諾貝爾和平獎得主羅夫?邦克。

Joseph bruno , the state senate majority leader , who has been at loggerheads with mr spitzer since the summer ( mr spitzer ' s office accused mr bruno of abusing his aircraft privileges ) , says the policy change is unconstitutional and contradicts a federal act which requires , among other things , a valid social security number to get a driver ' s licence 自去年夏天以來,州參議院多數黨領袖約瑟夫?布魯諾與斯皮策先生一直在劍拔弩張(斯皮策先生的辦公人員曾指責布魯諾先生濫用飛機特權) ,他聲稱這一政策變動是違背憲法的,也同聯邦法規背道而馳,因為聯邦法規規定獲取駕照需要有效的社會安全號碼。

Before their meeting at the white house , senate majority leader harry reid and house speaker nancy pelosi met with treasury secretary henry paulson , who was named by president bush as his lead negotiator on the stimulus plan 布什說,減稅的范圍一定要足夠廣泛才能改變現狀,所以他提議減少的稅收數目相當于所有美國商品和服務價值的1 % ,也就是在1400億到1500億美元之間。

But they turned down pennsylvania congressman john murtha , her choice for top lieutenant , instead picking maryland ' s steny hoyer to be the next majority leader 但是他們對來自賓夕法尼亞的國會議員約翰穆西有所低估,她成為下一任的主要黨領導人,而不是馬里蘭州的森提豪爾。

But they turned down pennsylvania congressman john murtha , her choice for top lieutenant , instead picking maryland ' s steny hoyer to be the next majority leader 但是他們否決了她推薦的賓夕法尼亞州議員瓊-姆沙為第一副議長,而選擇了馬里蘭的斯坦尼-赫耶爾為新任多黨領袖。

But they turned down pennsylvania congressman john murtha , her choice for top lieutenant , instead picking maryland ' s steny hoyer to be the next majority leader 但他們卻拒絕了賓州議員約翰莫撒選擇副總長之職的要求,而是挑選馬里蘭州的史蒂尼霍伊擔任多數黨的下一屆領導。

But they turned down pennsylvania congressman john murtha , her choice for top lieutenant , instead picking maryland ' s steny hoyer to be the next majority leader 但他們拒絕了南希推舉的多數黨領袖的人選賓西法尼亞州議員約翰?莫薩,而選擇了馬里蘭州的霍伊爾就任該職。

Senate majority leader bill frist has introduced immigration reform legislation that does not include a controversial temporary worker program 美國參議院多數黨領袖比爾.弗里斯特星期三提出一項移民改革議案,其中沒有包括有爭議的臨時勞工計劃。

Harry reid , the new senate majority leader , proclaimed his support for “ surge ” under certain conditions , before changing his mind a couple of days later 哈里?雷德,參議院多數黨新領袖聲稱,他有條件支持增兵,而幾天以后他又變卦了。

White house chief of staff josh bolten is to meet with senate majority leader harry reid and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell thursday 白宮辦公廳主任博爾頓星期四與參議院多數黨領袖里德和少數黨領袖麥康奈爾會面。

Senate majority leader bill frist has introduced immigration reform legislation that does not include a controversial temporary worker program 弗里斯特星期三提出一項移民改革議案,其中沒有包括有爭議的臨時勞工計劃。

Mrs pelosi has promised to do so in another bill later this year , as has harry reid , the senate majority leader 佩洛西已保證她將在本年稍晚時候的另一項法案里如此行事,參議院多數黨領袖哈里?里德同樣也做出了上述保證。

In a separate news conference , senate majority leader hr joined house speaker np in urgingthe president to reconsider 在一兩黨各自的新聞發布會上,參議院多數黨領導人hr同眾議院發言人np一起均力勸總統重新考慮該方案。

The investigation had already ensnared ney ' s former chief of staff and two aides to former house majority leader tom delay 通過調查,奈伊前辦公室主任和前眾議院多數黨領導人湯姆?迪雷的2名助手已經被捕。

She served as an assistant majority leader of the house republican caucus and as chair of the house transportation finance committee 她是州眾議院共和黨核心黨團多數黨領袖,交通財政委員會主席。

Senate majority leader harry reid says the president should not expect a rubber stamp for the request 美國參議院多數黨領袖哈利雷德表示,總統不應對不經審查就批準其撥款要求抱有任何希望。

Harry reid , the senate ' s new majority leader , took over with less fanfare but a similar commitment to action 參議院新任多數黨領袖哈里?里德,接任時雖然有所收斂,但也是信誓旦旦。

Sen tom daschle ( d ) , majority leader : do we impede progress in the most debilitating diseases known to man 我們是不是阻止了人們對已知的、那些折磨人的疾病的治愈的研究進程呢?

Senate majority leader harry reid says the president should not expect a rubber stamp for the request 眾議院領導人(參議院多數黨領導人)哈里稱不會再輕易批準總統的請求。